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B3 Elevation

Training, marketing, and funding Black entrepreneurs.


B3 Elevation — Branding & Building Black from COVID is a small business training, coaching and marketing services initiative designed to elevate and equip Black-owned businesses to build capacity and operate more efficiently in order to compete effectively in the marketplace.

Monetary Grant

After the successful completion of the 7-10 week program, each Black-owned business will receive grant dollars to support their operations. B3 Elevation will help close the racial wealth gap and level the playing field for Black-owned businesses.


This program is a 7-10 week boot camp designed to elevate Black-owned businesses for success in four core areas:

- Creditworthiness

- Digital Presence (web, social media & PR)

- Business Certifications

- Protection from a Legal Fallout

Selected businesses will elevate in the following areas:

Business Credit

Digital Presence (web, social media & PR)

Protection from a Legal Fallout

Business Certifications



(832) 304-4326


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